Friday, December 14, 2012

SOOM X-Mas Events!

Hello!! :D

Soom is having a awesome event for this Christmas and I dont want you guys to miss out on it!
Heres the event information!

X-Mas Events 2012 NOV & DEC

Hello, dear SOOM fans~!
We have prepared many events for these winter holidays:

1. X-mas Kits 2012
During a limited period, we sell our basic Gem dolls and Mecha Angel as unassembled kits.
Because each doll is unassembled, the sale price becomes cheaper. This event is our X-Mas traditional event.^^
Note: even though the dolls are sent as unassembled kits, the preparation period is the same as assembled dolls.
* Event schedule: Nov. 1st ~ Dec. 31st 2012

2. Extension of the ordering period for dolls
The ordering period of each doll we release is extended for 2 additional weeks (4 weeks ordering period in total).
* Event schedule: Nov. 1st ~ Dec. 31st 2012

3. Holiday Event
We will include a free gift for every order made during the event period as follows:
=> For an order containing at least one doll, we will present one accessory (outfit, wig or shoes) - limited to one gift per order.
=> For an order containing no doll but at least one accessory, we will present one fashion item - limited to one gift per order.
Event schedule: Dec. 1st ~ 31st 2012

4. Special Order Heads Event
You will have the possibility to order only heads parts among these:
Saiph Super Gem + Saiph Super Gem version.
* Release schedule: beginning of December

Thank you for attention, and happy holidays~ ^0^ ★★

SOom staff 

I hope you guys check this out! I already did and saw alot of goodies for a great price!
Ill see you guys next week and stayed tuned! Have a great weekend everyone!

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